October Playlist

October Playlist

J. Everette Pierce

Seasonal cycles are a big part of personal development and coaching for me. They serve as markers on the wheel of the year and reminders that life’s ups and downs are cyclical too – all things are temporary. 

In the same vein, they teach us how to be with what is; autumn and release, letting go, turning inward(shorter days, more darkness). This is the season when we follow Persephone into the underworld, knowing that in a short time lengthening days and spring will follow as the seasons turn into the light. 

In honor of the season and what it means to me, I’ve compiled a playlist of music that reminds me that now is the time to release what doesn’t serve me like trees dropping leaves, to realign with what does, to reflect in order to reconnect with my own inner wisdom and power. 

I hope you’ll take time to reflect, release, and realign. And I hope that you’ll give this playlist a listen and be inspired.


Reach higher,


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