
Silhouette of woman looking at night sky with grace birds moon


Ahhh, Grace. We typically think of grace as the attribute we don’t have: elegance in movement and attitude, which some of us may actually have. The rest of us often joke that we aren’t named Grace for a reason. Unless, of course, you ARE named Grace. Then it gets awkward. When we think of giving

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Calendar Audit

Audit. THAT sounds like fun, right?? I know, anything called an audit feels like it might be work…monotonous, tedious, I’d-rather-sacrifice-my-left pinky-finger work. This, however, IS the work we must do to make sure we’re being intentional with our time and spending it on activities that move us closer to our goals, as well as WITH

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Starting or ending each day with gratitude WILL change your life. I know, that sounds like an outrageous claim for something seemingly insignificant. But it’s true. Taking time to reflect on your day and focus on the positive moments – the times you truly felt a tug at your heart, recognizing how lucky or blessed

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